All your burning questions answered!
What is the Pampered Pandas NFT collection?
The Pampered Pandas is a NFT collection of unique and fuzzy randomly generated Pandas living on the Cronos chain! The Pampered Pandas come in several colours and with their own distinctive style and personality!
How many Pampered Pandas NFT will there be?
A total of 8888 Pampered Pandas will be available to mint.
What will the price be for a Pampered Panda?
Whitelisted presale = 150 CRO
Public sale = 200 CRO
What makes the Pampered Pandas unique?
The various utilities, Pampered Panda holders become shareholders in the Pandaverse and will be eligible to receive royalties, staking rewards, whitelisted access to exclusive NFT collections and a membership to the elusive Bamboo Club. More info here
How many traits to the Pampered Pandas have?
With 6 attributes and over 150+ traits you are guaranteed a unique Pampered Panda. This means you can mint a wide range of variety, from a rough Sailor Panda crossing the seven seas to a prestigious King Panda ruling over the bamboo forest. More info here
When can i buy the Pampered Pandas?
TBA, we are currently in our private sale which is only eligible to KOLs. More info here
How can i buy a Pampered Pandas?
Through our minting dapp found on our Official Website
On what blockchain will be the NFTs be released on?
CRONOS Blockchain.
Can i sell my NFT?
Affirmative! You will be able to sell your furry friend on several marketplaces such as EbisuBay, TofuNFT and Agora. Be aware that holding a Pampered Panda gives you various benefits see Features and Rewards for more information about these perks.
When will the other NFT collections be released?
Q2/Q3 2022, stay tuned and keep an eye on our socials for the exact release date.
Last updated